Monday, September 2, 2013


  Hey guys, sorry for not posting for a SUPER long time, but since school started it will be hard. My plan is to change the blog, and it will no longer be on this blogger but on my animal jam gmail and youtube with the blog too. It may take a while, but I am going ahead to take this down after today, and then start my new blog on the animal jam one. Sorry bout that

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rare Item Monday

  Her Jammers! Today's rare item monday are the Rare Musketeer Boots! They look really cool! remember to get one before they leave stores tomorrow!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


  Sorry about no posting for a long time but this is what I have been working on! A youtube channel! If you want to check it out, then search-littleminipenguinaj AJMV and mostly I will post only music videos. I only have two right now, and the aren't the best but I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tunnel Town!

   Hey guys! Have you heard of Tunnel Town? Its coming in 2 days! Are you going to get it ? I am! Sounds like a lot of fun! See you around Jamaaa jammers!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Rare Item Monday

  Hey guys! Today's newest item is the rare baseball cap! A lot of people I saw were wearing them! Have you bought one yet?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tall Shelf

  Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, I had to go somewhere in the morning! Well today's new item is the tall shelf! I will get on e to display some of my most prized possessions!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

New News Crew Assignment!

  Hey guys! I love the news crew assignments and I have always hoped to win, but I haven't yet! Though its very hard to win, I love interviewing jammers on a chance to win this! I wish all of you jammers who are participating, good luck!

Gold Ring

 Hey guys! Today's new item is the gold ring! I wonder if there will be a Bronze Ring because they have done silver and gold, but we will see! What do you think about it?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Phantom Webs!

Guess what Jammers!
Today I was doing the 2nd Phantom Adventure that just came out and then I found out this: Ok so in the Adventure there are these phantom webs and what happens is you have to break them! And this is what I found out: Some items actually help you do it! Like for example, if I was wearing a silver glove, while clicking the web to break it, the glove showed up and had this punching motion. And if you had a sword on, the  sword would appear in front of you and it would sometimes take only 1 slice to break it! Cool right?


Sliver Ring

  Hey guys! today's new item is the silver ring! Sorry for the short post, but later I will post something really cool!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Animal Jam 2nd Adventure!

  Hey guys! Today is the new opening for the next adventure! I also found the next adventure maybe? the pictures will show you how to get there and theres a glitch i got where I played a Adventure, and then I put the item in my den. Afterwards, I played another adventure with a friend and then I clicked on an item, then it brought me right back to the adventure base camp with the treasure chest thing in front of me, then I clicked keep, and it logged me off. Then I logged back on, hoping it would be there, but it wasn't! All that work! Well I hope that AJHQ will fix it before it happens to any other jammers.

Sand Castle

  Today's new item is the sand castle!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

  This is one of my friends, well now a previous friend now. >:(. This person, please report her. She spied on me and my friends and then she dressed up as one of my friends, when she found out one of my friends was sending her sword to my other friend for this trade deal they made. Then she tricked my friend who was sending the item that she was my other friend. Then she left, and then I followed to try to get it back, so it goes to the right person. Then she said she can't send anything that's it is a glitch and she ran out of limit to send stuff, then she mailed me to go to her den, so I knew that the mail glitch was a lie. Then she said she was going to play sky high, and then she immediately leaves and I could not say a thing. Then she logs off!


  Hey guys! Today I got a glitch... I was in the Freedom Party when it wasn't on the list, when I clicked on the monkey party and said that I couldn't go because I was a monkey, though I already knew that. Then, I wanted to change animals, and this is what popped up! Now I can't change animals!

Skinny Paw Print Vase

  Hey guys, today's new item is the skinny paw print vase! I wonder if they will bring back all the beats... we'll see!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


  Sorry I did not it a picture of it again, but today, me and my friend bunnyfoofoo were playing hide and seek! And what happened was that in was in Jamaa Township when all of a sudden, the button where it said where jammers were said Searching... on her button! I do not know how that happened!

Paw Print Vase

  Hey guys! Today's new item is the paw print vase sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 300 gems! I think its pretty cute! Have you bough one yet?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Non-Member Adventurer?

  Sorry i did not get a picture of him, but today I saw a nonmember with the number five at the adventure base camp! I don't know if it was a glitch or not, it just depends, I'll search it up later.. :D

Rare Item Monday

  Hey guys! Sorry again for no posts for a while, I went on a trip to visit relatives! Today's rare item monday is the rare kelp skirt sold in Bahari Bargins!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Hack

  Ok guys, I know some of you may not actually want to read all of this, but if you do, thanks. You know the post about my friend getting hacked? Well here's the story: So me, Bumblebee333 were hanging out, and then we went on an adventure, and since she was on level six, she let me get the key to help me level up. Later we went to my den to put our stuff into the den,  and after that I went to hers. She got a new den and started editing it. then suddenly she logged off. A few seconds later she was back on and another little nonmember was saying Bumble bee was a scammer, and that non-member was actually Bumblebee on her non-member account and I asked her some questions that proved it, and she said she was on when it said she was gone for too long, and had to log out. Apparently it was the hacker logging onto her account, and the hacker actually sent all her rares and her imprisoned phantoms to their account and then recycled her animals leaving only her Tiger. fortunately Bumblebee333 the real one logged back on before the hacker could do anything else, and she still had enough gems to get a few of her Animals back, after I convinced her not to quit. If you can, please send her stuff, for I hope she does not try to quit cause she is one of my best friends on Animal Jam. I hope she gets better, and also that she may find the hacker, report him\or her and then get her items back. Please help her out. Thank You. For Bumblebee!

Freedom Bunny Plushie

  Hey guys! Today's new item is the freedom bunny plushie sold at the Summer Carnival!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


 Hey guys! This is littleminipenguin and I want to show you this: this is in serpia forest and you need 4 or more people to dance around the fire pit and Mira will be summoned! Its very cool!


  Hey guys.. :( Today one of my friends got hacked and this is a picture of the hacker on her account. My friend's user name is Bumblebee333 and the hacker took all the rares and recycled all her animals only leaving her Tiger. please, if anyone is willing to help, could you send her stuff? Thanks.

Freedom Dragon Mask

  Today the new item is the Freedom Dragon Mask being sold in the freedom party and in Jam Mart Clothing.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Gummy Bear Video

Yah sorry about that. I know its blurry but thats the best I could do. And I hope I explained it better with my description. Sorry!

Gummy Bear Video

 Ok, heres the video I think. This is my first time to do one on a blog so I'll see if it works. If it doesn't, then I will try again, though I'm pretty sure this will work.

Gummy Bears

  Hey guys! Sorry about the absent posts for a few days! To make up, I took some pictures of me and my friends doing a gummy bear party in Jamaa Township. I also have a video, but I may not be able to upload it. We did it for a log time, and even someone started and enemy against us called the butters. Later on the butters went away, and us gummy bears kept on going, and thats when i made the video. We went from one side of Jamaa to the middle, then to three gummy bears, then went to the other end of Jamaa Township and then a lot of other gummy bears joined. I hope I will be able to upload the video on this blog later.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Freedom Decorations!

 Hey guys! have you seen the new decorations around Jamaa! They are everywhere! Here are some pictures of all of them!

Freedom Plushies come back!

  Hey guys! Its seems like the Freedom plushies have come back to the Summer Carnival!

New Freedom Stamp!

  Hey guys! Have you seen the new Freedom Stamp?? It can be found when mailing friends!

New News!

  Hey guys! Have you seen the new news? Its sounds funny too doesn't it! Well the Freedom Party has arrived and also remember to check out the items! Also the same posts form last time!

Freedom Jester Hat

  Hey guys, sorry for the blurry picture, I don't know how that happened but here is the new Freedom Jester Hat sold in the Freedom Party and for 350 gems!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Freedom Panda Hat

  Hey guys! Today's new item is the freedom panda hat! It is available in Jam Mart Clothing and also the new Freedom Party! It cost 500 gems and is also in the collection of all the freedom hats!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


  Hey guys! Ya cool! This person, (not saying user name) I found a few days ago, had like 7, or even more long spiked collars! I wonder how long it took to get all of them! Must of been hard to get all of those spikes! I think she has all the colors but orange I'm pretty sure. Wow! Amazing huh?! Just wanted to share it to you guys, when its still rare, cause the rumor that the spiked collars may be coming back, could become true! We'll just have to wait and see!

4th of July Party!

  Hey guys! So here's the photos of the new 4th of July Party I was talking about! The fireworks have come back, and also the freedom hats! Like the bunny, cat, lion and more!